Business Connect release notes
Our release on 6 June 2024 includes the following changes.
On this page
New features
Regional Business Partnership funding form
This form uses our new hosting option for online forms through FormBuilder. Up until now, all forms have been hosted on the Business Connect platform.
Growth advisors applying for funding from the Regional Business Partners Network can now click a link in an email and have the form appear in a new browser. It lets them get straight to the form and start completing it. This still comes with the same accessibility, security certification and analytics as those forms on the Business Connect platform.
We’ve heard from teams that they’d like to deliver complaints, enquiries and feedback forms. These make no sense behind a RealMe login. We’ve removed an unnecessary barrier for these types of services and are looking forward to helping teams build and publish their simple forms.
Those customers completing one of our forms as an unauthenticated user will now have the added security of reCAPTCHA. This free service from Google helps protect websites from spam and abuse.
This is another tool in our security arsenal to give those agencies and councils using FormBuilder confidence that we can capture and deliver data safely and securely.
Business Connect platform
Blocking characters
Apple Mac users trying to upload files with names containing the following characters will now be presented with an error that reads Unsupported characters in filename [",?,*,<, >,|,:,/].
This is to avoid potential issues for the government team member processing the application. Government teams using Windows may be unable to open the file.
Admin portal
New report
Those using the Business Connect admin portal to receive form submissions now have access to a new report to extract all submitted cases. The report is available in the reports section and can display all cases with statuses of Approved/Declined/Open/In RFI.
The ‘List of submitted cases’ report gives the government user a snapshot of everything they’ve received for the date range they have selected.