Central agency services

The following government agency services are available in Business Connect.

Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC)

Sensitive claims service –  Health provider registration

Use this form to apply to register  as a health provider to deliver sensitive claims services to ACC kiritaki.

Integrated Services for Sensitive Claims (ISSC)(external link) — ACC

Customs New Zealand

Apply for a deferred payment account

The deferred payment scheme allows you to defer payment of Customs charges.

Deferred accounts for importers(external link) — New Zealand Customs

Secure Export Scheme

The Secure Exports Scheme aims to help more New Zealand businesses build and maintain internationally approved and recognised secure supply chains. The goal of the Secure Exports Scheme is to support New Zealand exporters’ goods to flow through borders with minimal intervention to legitimate trade.

Secure Export Scheme(external link) — New Zealand Customs

Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment

Fog cannon subsidy scheme

If you run a small retail business, you may be eligible for a $4,000 subsidy to get a fog cannon installed. Fog cannons can fill a shop with dense fog in seconds, stopping criminals from seeing what’s going on and preventing further damage or theft.

Registration of a trademark – Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ)

In partnership with IPONZ, this application form helps businesses and individuals apply for a New Zealand registered trade mark, with step-by-step guidance along the way.

Liquidation Statement of Affairs – New Zealand Insolvency and Trustee Service

This service is for directors of companies that have been placed into Liquidation with the Insolvency and Trustee Service. The form allows the director to convey the company's position in a transparent manner.

Accreditation to test weighing and measuring instruments – Trading Standards

This service is for new applicants to apply to become accredited by MBIE Trading Standards under the Weights and Measures Act to test weighing and measuring instruments. It is also for existing Accredited Persons to maintain, amend an existing accreditation or add or remove a categories or people.

Product recall notification – Consumer Protection

This service is used by suppliers to notify the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment about a voluntary product safety recall under the Fair Trading Act 1986 531A.

Ready application – eInvoicing NZ

The New Zealand Peppol Authority (Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment) publishes eInvoicing ready software on the eInvoicing website, this service is an application to be published on that list.

Regional Infrastructure Fund – Kānoa - Regional Economic Development and Investment Unit 

This online application is for businesses to apply for capital funding to invest into new and existing regional infrastructure. 

Ministry of Housing and Urban Development 

Reporting forms for funds

He Taupae Fund works to increase the technical capability of Māori organisations to build on their whenua. 

He Taupua Fund works to strengthen Māori organisations’ capability to deliver kaupapa Māori focused housing initiatives on their whenua. 

He Kūkū Ki Te Kāinga Fund contributes to the construction or installation of homes on whenua Māori. 

Grant Funding application final insights report is a report on completion of the funding period and project where recipients must comment on how the work they have done is contributing directly, or indirectly, to achieving the outcomes using the Māori and Iwi Housing Innovation (MAIHI) Outcomes framework. 

New Zealand Trade and Enterprise

Active Investor Plus 

In partnership with NZTE this service encourages active investment into private New Zealand businesses which generates more high-skilled jobs and economic growth compared to passive investment.

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Last updated: 04 September 2024