Release notes – 1 September 2023

Our release on 1 September 2023 included the following changes.

Business Connect


Rugby World Cup 2023 – extending trading hours

Users can now notify their council and local police station through Business Connect to open outside of their permitted trading hours to televise the Rugby World Cup 2023 games.

Users can find a link to this service via the Ministry of Justice website or council websites. The benefit is that the notification is automatically routed to the right place for businesses and the information collected is complete, consistent and gives a national picture for relevant agencies.


Importer details page

New 'Application type' question added to the Importer details page for Deferred Payment Account applications to Customs.

Field validation for Customs code

Users completing applications for Secure Export Scheme and Deferred Payment Account will now be prompted to enter the Customs code in the correct format if they make a mistake. This means they will no longer be able to submit the application to Customs containing an error.

Accessibility enhancements

Users will benefit from colour contrast enhancements and ALT text improvements.

Users using assistive technology will now hear an accurate summary of all the errors on a page when the next button is pressed. Reading out the correct form validations ensures that digital forms are filled out with all necessary information in the correct format.

Notification banner for renewals

This banner will appear to alert users to the availability of a pre-populated renewal application. The banner will prevent users from starting from scratch if they don’t need to, saving them time on their regular renewals.

Admin portal


Secure Exports Scheme

Service team users will now see additional application types in the drop down for the Secure Exports Scheme to be more useful and help categorise applications.

Type column so staff can sort by application type

Service team users will find a new ‘type’ column so staff can sort by application type. This means applications can be sorted by new or renewal to help with case management.

New ‘Type’ column for work queue for Hospitality Services and Fog Cannon Subsidy Scheme.

FormBuilder tool


Services created with FormBuilder will now have the functionality to provide fully pre-populated renewals for end users.

Last updated: 01 September 2023