Release notes – 5 July 2023

Our release on 5 July 2023 included the following changes.

New features

A new API is now available. You can now use the PUT API to update customer submission and back-office portal data seamlessly.

With this new functionality, you can now align Business Connect data with your back-office systems and workflows. This keeps systems in sync without the need for staff to log in to the portal and manually make updates.

Email us at to find out more about making use of this latest feature.


Your customers will now be able to upload files to a maximum size of 10MB rather than the 3MB they were allowed previously.

Your customers can now upload image filetypes including PNG, JPG and JPEG in addition to PDFs. This will reduce the amount of file conversion customers may have had to do.

There have been some improvements to reporting inside the admin portal. The report for cases that have been decided and completed will now include the relevant business name instead of the case number.

You can now generate a report that will show which applications have been reset to draft since 5 July 2023. The report includes the name of the staff member who reset the case to draft.


Your customers accessing services using assistive technology will now be read the correct service name for each tile on the dashboard.

Customers accessing services via councils who have changed their fees will now see those new fees in place as they complete applications and renewals.

Customers receiving a fog cannon subsidy voucher will now see that the expiry date for that voucher is 4 months rather than 6 months.

For those who use the admin portal to download an application summary that combines both the application and attached files, you will now see additional information as part of that pdf including approval checklists and notes.

Last updated: 06 July 2023