Receive your data

Submitted forms can be received in a number of ways depending on what suits your organisation or team best.

Submissions by email

The quickest way to get up and running is to receive submitted applications into a specified inbox as a pdf.


Often requires little change from the current process but offers a better customer experience and some efficiency. Often requires little change from the current process but offers a better customer experience and some efficiency. 

The benefits include: 

  • Quick to set up
  • No integration required
  • This is the only option if your forms are published ‘as a link’ meaning they don’t require your customer to log in. 

Bulk download

You can download bulk data for your service by selecting a date range and importing the resulting JSON file into Excel.


This is useful for your custom reporting and for ensuring data is easy to extract from the platform to be stored in your systems.

The benefits include:

  • Flexible format that can be turned in xls, csv or imported into your reporting software like Power BI
  • No reliance on those running the platform to access bulk data
  • Ability to manipulate the data to your requirements.

Admin portal

This fully funded cloud-based case management portal allows your team to log in to review submissions and approve or decline them.


The admin portal has many useful functions that allow you to manage caseload and streamline processing.

The benefits include:

  • Work queues and visibility of who is working on which submissions
  • The ability to request further information from customers
  • Custom internal checklists for staff
  • Approve and decline applications with additional notes shared with customers
  • Expiry dates for licences and registrations that require renewal with automatic reminders sent to customers
  • Reporting on volumes, work flow and processing times. 

Application programming interfaces (APIs)

There is a full suite of APIs available for agencies and councils to use.


Integrate your online forms with your back-end system to save manual entry and speed up processing. 

  • You can now align Business Connect data with your back-office systems and workflows. This keeps systems in sync without the need for staff to log in to the portal and manually make updates.
  • Our Comms API can send information via the Business Connect platform.

Any integration with our APIs is at the cost of the agency or council. See the Technical specifications and Funding pages for more details.

Technical specifications
