Business Connect release notes – 21 February 2024

Our release on 21 February 2024 included the following changes.

Business Connect platform

New features

Notice of management change with Tasman District Council

Customers running a business with an alcohol licence can use this form to tell their council when they either hire or dismiss a certificated manager at their premises.

Deep analytics refinements

We’re working to uncover insights from each user’s interaction on Business Connect as they register, select a form and fill it in. This anonymised data will help us understand where we can improve the experience and how different services are performing.


Alcohol licence content update

Customers will now see the correct legislative reference when completing their alcohol licence application. The Resource Management Act has been replaced with a new act titled Natural and Built Environmental Act 2023.

Accessibility fixes

Customers using a screen reader will have all error messages read aloud and the focus state will not be obscured by dropdown menus.


Auto generation of URL that takes customers straight to your form

When the customer clicks this URL they are shown a wayfinding banner that takes them straight to your FormBuilder form inside the Business Connect platform.

Previously the URL was manually generated by one of our developers. This kind of link is in high demand from service teams so we have automated its production.

Last updated: 01 March 2024