Business Connect release notes – 13 March 2024

Our release on 13 March 2024 included the following changes.

Business Connect platform

New features

Bulkdownload of form submission data

Service teams with forms created using FormBuilder are now able to do bulk downloads of submission data using a new feature in the portal.

The new feature is in the reports section.

Screenshot from the Business Connect Case Management reports page demonstrating the download of form data.

Select data range for JSON data export

The 'Export JSON Data' button allows you to select the date range you want and download the data associated with your service as a JSON file.

The JSON file contains all the data customers have entered into your form on Business Connect.

Screenshot from the Business Connect Case Management reporting area demonstrating the selection of data ranges in relation to the exporting of JSON data.

This is easily imported into Excel and makes it more convenient for you to extract your data from the Business Connect admin portal.

  1. Go to the Data tab in an Excel Workbook.
  2. Click on From File and then choose JSON.
  3. Now, choose the JSON file from your system and select OPEN.
  4. This will open the JSON file in Excel and now you can view the data.

Screenshot of Microsoft Excel demonstrating the import of JSON data file exported from the Business Connect Case Management reporting area.

Last updated: 10 April 2024